Dr Hossein Hosseini

Dr Hossein Hosseini is an early career researcher for the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of Sydney. His research is focused on systems modelling approaches to analyse complex socio-technical problems. In particular, his current research is concentrated on mental health policy analysis via a System Dynamics modelling effort in which simulation models are developed through a participatory approach to understand the drivers of mental health system change and to explore system transitions to the future in Australia.

He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering (socio-economic systems engineering) in 2016 with a focus on systems modelling and model-based policy analysis. During the past years, he has used systems modelling (especially System Dynamics simulation) in theory, technique, and application through several projects in academia, industry and the public sector. He uses interdisciplinary and participatory approaches to inform policy interventions that can help achieve targets under future scenarios. His main research and work experiences include national to international problems, in Health, energy and environment, social problems, urban management, and business level issues.

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