2024 Annual Symposium

The ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program held its 2024 Annual Symposium at the end of last year. We’d like to thank the participants on the day for making it such an engaging and impactful day. The youth mental health system in Australia requires reform. The system is fragmented and mental health policy overall is disjointed. Young people fall through the cracks at an alarming rate. In the ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program we have learned that it is critically important to engage with the community, to collaborate with them to tease out the issues they are facing, to help them by gathering the data and evidence required to support their decision making process. It is especially important to engage with young people with lived experience of mental health concerns in the process. We can't understand the nature of the problems they face if we don't actively listen and speak to them about their experiences.

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Emily Selmon
Western Sydney Primary Health Network - Phase 1 Overview

The ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program launched the Western Sydney Primary Health Network’s systems model of the youth mental health system for the Western Sydney region. This particular systems model has some important new elements including a differentiation from distress in general for mental disorder. It’s been wonderful to collaborate with the Western Sydney PHN and the community, particularly the young people with lived experience who were involved in the development of the Western Sydney Youth Mental Health Decision Support tool.

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Emily Selmon
Wentworth Healthcare - Workshop 1

‘Right care, first time, where you live’ held its first workshop of the systems modelling phase in April with the support and collaboration of Wentworth Healthcare, the Primary Health Network, for the Blue Mountains Nepean region. Wentworth Healthcare did a tremendous job of bringing the community together, in spite of inclement weather and flooding. People from all areas of the youth mental health system in the Blue Mountains Nepean region were represented and it was wonderful to see so many young people with lived experience of the system, so engaged in the process.

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Emily Selmon
Wentworth Healthcare Phase I Overview

The 'Right care, firs time, where you live' Program has recently completed the Phase I Systems Modelling process for the Wentworth Healthcare region. At the final workshop researchers from the Brain and Mind Centre presented the dynamic systems model that they had collaborated with the region to create back to community stakeholders. In this video some of the participants of the workshop discuss their experiences of the workshop and the systems model development process.

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Emily Selmon
2023 Annual Symposium

The annual symposium of the ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program was held at the end of last year. Our Program is working with eight regions in Australia to help develop a much greater and more effective youth mental health system within their region. At the event we bring together people from across the country who are involved in the Program to share their experiences of implementing the Program in their region.  

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Emily Selmon
Moving forward after the referendum on the Voice - Webinar

The 'Moving forward after the referendum on the Voice' webinar was proudly brought to you by the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention, the University of Western Australia, and the Brain and Mind Centre, at the University of Sydney.

It was proudly supported by the 'Right care, first time, where you live' Program.

There were over 350 registrations for this important discussion. The panellists are grateful to all the people who registered and joined us as one community, together, responding to this lost opportunity for our nation.  

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Emily Selmon
Brisbane South Phase I Overview

The ’Right care, first time, where you live’ program has recently completed Phase | Systems modelling and simulation through a participatory approach for the Brisbane South region.

 The University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre team are incredibly grateful to the Brisbane South Primary Health Network for collaborating on this project with us.

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Emily Selmon
Western Sydney Primary Health Network - Workshop 1

On Thursday, 7 September 2023, we had the tremendous privilege of kicking off the first systems modelling workshop of the ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program with the Western Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN). The Western Sydney PHN collaborated with us to coordinate the workshop and they did a tremendous job of rallying the youth mental health community and encouraging them to participate in the day.

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Emily Selmon
Towards Youth Mental Health System Reform: An Evaluation of Participatory Systems Modelling in the Australian Capital Territory

The dynamic systems models are developed using a participatory approach, which means that our Brain and Mind Centre team work with a site to gather people from the community to help us map out how the youth mental health system is working within that region.  There are a diverse range of stakeholders involved in this mapping and development process including young people with lived experience of poor mental health as well as representatives from the mental health system in the region such as clinicians, health services, carers, education services, and housing services to name a few.

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Emily Selmon
National Youth Lived Experience Reference Group

At the Brain and Mind Centre, in the Youth Mental Health and Technology team, we believe that involving young people with lived experience of mental health concerns in our research is critically important. Young people with lived experience need a voice at every stage and phase of the research process.

We’re delighted to announce today the implementation of the National ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Youth Lived Experience Reference Group. The goal of this reference group is to embed lived experience in every aspect and phase of the Program to ensure that we achieve our objectives and to ensure that the Program is sustainable in the long term. 

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Emily Selmon
Phase II Embedding the systems model in an ongoing monitoring, evaluation and system improvement decision-support ecosystem

Professor Ian Hickie and his team discuss Phase II Embedding the systems model in an ongoing monitoring, evaluation and system improvement decision-support ecosystem of the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre program 'Right care, first time, where you live'. 'Right care, first time, where you live' is an ambitious Program which aims to get young people, back to work, back to school and thriving in their communities.

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Emily Selmon
Brisbane South Workshop 1 Overview

The 'Right care, firs time, where you live' Program held it's first Phase I systems modelling workshop in the Brisbane South region. In this video some of the participants of the workshop discuss their experiences of the workshop and the participatory action research process.

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Emily Selmon
Brain and Mind Centre Youth Model of Care

The Brain and Mind Centre Youth Model of Care (BMC Youth Model) was developed by Professor Ian Hickie and Associate Professor Elizabeth Scott in partnership with young people.  It evolved out of years of research and clinical practice, and the strong desire to empower young people in their care and really listen to them about the care that they really need. 

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Emily Selmon
Brisbane South Workshop 1

Our ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ program kicked off in Brisbane South on Thursday. It was fantastic to see so many passionate people around the table talking about the youth mental health system in their region. The discussions were all very respectful and driven by a recognition that our mental health system need systemic reform. We gained many valuable insights into the challenges the system faces in the Brisbane South region, where programs and services are going well and where the gaps are. Our systems modellers will now use these insights to create a computational model of what is happening in the youth mental health system in the Brisbane South region.

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Emily Selmon
2022 Annual Symposium Advisory Committee Representatives

It was wonderful to have several of our advisory committee members at our Annual Symposium, 17 November 2022.

Their insights and support of the Right care, first time, where you live program in their role as committee members, has been invaluable. In this photo, from left to right, is Emeritus Professor Geoff Gallop, Professor Jakelin Troy and Sam Hockey.

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Emily Selmon
2022 Annual Symposium

The Right care, first time, where you live held its annual symposium last week. The Program is focussed on empowering communities to improve the youth mental health system in their region.

It’s been an incredible journey over the past year working on implementing Phase I of the Program with the Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing, ACT Health. We’ve learned so many things along the way and it was really exciting to hear about the ACT’s perspective on co-creating a youth mental health system model and decision support tool for that region.

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Emily Selmon
Phase 1 Summary - The Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing, ACT Health

The Right care, first time, where you live program has completed its first phase in the ACT. The Youth Mental Health and Technology team at the Brain and Mind Centre are grateful to the Office for Mental Health and Wellbeing, ACT Health for going on this journey with us to develop a systems model of the youth mental health system in their region. This is the first time that a systems model of the youth mental health system has been developed for this region, and we are very grateful to all the regional health professionals and partners who gave us their time and engaged with us in this process. In particular we’d like to thank the young people with lived experience who’s insights were critical and invaluable to ensuring the model reflected their experiences. This video provides some highlights of the systems model development workshops.

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Emily Selmon
ACT Workshop 1 - Systems modelling process

Systems modelling and simulation offers a unique and important tool for systems analysis to support decision making for complex health and social problems. Systems modelling will allow stakeholders at national and regional levels to explore in detail the feedbacks between the economy, mental health and policy responses. Importantly, interactive systems models allow stakeholders to undertake scenario testing of a range of potential mitigation strategies.

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Emily Selmon