Wentworth Healthcare Phase I Overview

The 'Right care, firs time, where you live' Program has recently completed the Phase I Systems Modelling process for the Wentworth Healthcare region. At the final workshop researchers from the Brain and Mind Centre presented the dynamic systems model that they had collaborated with the region to create back to community stakeholders.

In this video some of the participants of the workshop discuss their experiences of the workshop and the systems model development process. 

“I’m so inspired from today, being able to see the model and start to take the next steps with the concepts that we initially had and the hopes that we had that the model would deliver us some direction and give us that wealth of being able to bring together the story of mental health for our region, in collaboration with the data, to really understand the need of the region, the need of the young people in our region, and to be able to advocate for mental health services for the region and with the entire picture at hand”, says Kirsty McLeod of Wentworth Healthcare.

CEO of Wentworth Healthcare, Lizz Reay, says: It's absolutely fantastic to see, everything that people have been doing and contributed actually into the model. It's wonderful to be able to simulate different scenarios, and it really gives an insight, like an incredible insight into how different interventions can have an impact beyond what probably we thought and gives us some rigour to make decisions about why we might advocate for certain interventions compared to others”.

You can learn more about the ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program and the systems modelling process here:  https://www.rightcarefirsttimewhereyoulive.com.au/

Emily Selmon