Western Sydney Primary Health Network - Phase 1 Overview

The ‘Right care, first time, where you live’ Program launched the Western Sydney Primary Health Network’s systems model of the youth mental health system for the Western Sydney region. This particular systems model has some important new elements including a differentiation from distress in general for mental disorder. It’s been wonderful to collaborate with the Western Sydney PHN and the community, particularly the young people with lived experience who were involved in the development of the Western Sydney Youth Mental Health Decision Support tool.

It was really exciting to present the model, and see people engaging with it. We were able to show the impact that the interventions that we have mapped out could have and what it looks like when you are trying to determine where to expand and grow in the future.

As Kate Gudorf said, “Main insights are this tool really gives some data and evidence to support making decisions around, you know, where we base our mental health interventions and the impact of those interventions on the population”. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this process. We are very grateful for your insights and support.

Emily Selmon